Post Construction Clean Up

KJ aquinos cleaning

At KJ AQUINOS CLEANING we offer professional post construction cleanup service to both residential and commercial customers. This cleaning service is specifically designed for homeowners or business who have done remodeling and need to rid their home, office or apartment of the dust and minor debris that is left behind. KJ AQUINOS CLEANING post construction cleaning service entails of highly trained cleaners that are dedicated to going above-and-beyond cleaning service expectations, with resources readily available to do the job quickly and professionally. The results match our goal of creating a healthy, sanitary home or office environment that is noticed by all. In addition to the basic cleaning services, we offer customized apartment turnover cleaning services that fit your needs. We can also perform specialty cleaning services, such as window cleaning, floor finishing, and deep carpet cleaning.

Our post construction cleaning services include the following:

  • All kitchen post construction cleaning service
  • Dining room post construction cleaning service
  • Living room post construction cleaning
  • Bathroom post-installation service
  • Office post construction cleaning service